Friday, January 9, 2015

Delurking Day

La giornata dell'appalesamento

I don't write many posts and the few that I write are not particularly interesting, I know it, but despite this, every new post that I write is being read, in the next 24 hours, by 2-300 persons, plus much more in the following days.

According to statistics, almost all of my visitors are from North America and Europe, but someone also come here from countries where I never hoped to be read.

Most of you readers arrive here thanks to some aggregators and blogroll who undeservedly entered this blog in their lists, as Unplugged Shop, Norse Woodsmith and Old Ladies.

However unfortunately I don't know almost nothing about all of you who read this blog and for once I would like you gift me a few seconds of your time to tell me whatever you want, even just a "hello".
I would appreciate it a lot.

Io non scrivo molti post e quei pochi che scrivo non sono particolarmente interessanti, lo so, ma nonostante ciò, ogni nuovo post che scrivo viene letto, nelle 24 ore successive, da 2/300 persone, più molte altre nei giorni successivi.

Secondo le statistiche, quasi tutti i miei visitatori provengono dal Nord America e dall'Europa, ma qualcuno capita qui anche da nazioni in cui non avrei mai sperato di essere letto.

La maggior parte di voi lettori giunge qui grazie ad alcuni aggregatori e blogroll che mi hanno immeritatamente inserito questo blog nelle loro liste, come Unplugged Shop, Norse Woodsmith e Old Ladies.

Però purtroppo io non so quasi nulla di tutti voi che leggete questo blog e per una volta mi piacerebbe che voi mi regalaste qualche secondo del vostro tempo per dirmi qualsiasi cosa, anche semplicemente un "ciao".
Lo apprezzerei molto.


  1. Hi Andrea,
    first let me say I think your blogs are interesting. If they weren't I would not be waiting for your next one. I like your technique posts the best followed by your tool restorations and repurposing.
    You keep posting, and I'll keep reading. Of course the translated text as I still can't read italian. But I am getting to know the months and the days of the week in italian.

  2. Your is the worst blog about hand tool, since I'm worst woodworker I must read.
    OK, my opinion is that your post are really good, a mix of technic and hilarious... if you were born in USA the place of CS would be you!

  3. Hello Andrea,

    I enjoy reading your posts very much. An honest look at woodworking from someone who enjoys the craft. I'm in the USA and I thank you for the translations to english.

    Keep up the good work and I look forward to many more posts from you.


  4. Ciao Andrea,
    I enjoy reading your posts whenever they come out...and some of your photographs are beautiful. Thank you for posting. And especially for posting in English, since my Italian is very poor.
    By the way, I follow your blog through the Norse Woodsmith aggregator.

    Washington, D.C.

  5. Buona sera Andrea,

    Do not think that your writings are not interesting! I enjoy your blog because you focus on hand tools. I really like the videos you have on Youtube.

    I am from Greece, my father was a carpenter, I work with wood as a hobby.

    I was surprised you have english style wooden planes, my father and other woodworkers here used to have the eastern-european style of wooden planes (think E.C.E.).

    Athens, Greece

  6. Hi Andrea, I have followed your blog for the last couple of years all the way from New Zealand. Very interesting topics but like Ralph I need the translation. I am afraid I dipped out in the extra langauages department at school but i do try. Your topics are always interesting and it is great to have another perspective. Please keep up the good work. i really enjoy what you write. regards, Mike

  7. Buon giorno, Andrea. Mi chiamo Giuseppe e abito in gli Estati Uniti.
    I have very little Italian and it is a pleasure to try to read your blog in both languages. I always learn something about woodworking and the language. I found you and generally come to your page from the Unplugged Shop. I have been working wood for over 50 years and prefer working with hand tools. I particularly like the parts of your blog about the making or restoring of hand tools. Grazie!

  8. Olá, descobri o teu blog pelo! (I found your blog from)
    I'm from Portugal, and an old italian funny movies fan!
    Also a fan of this kind of work You do! ;)
    Also because my woodworking references are all from UK (Paul Sellers) and some from US (some are listed above) I search other European (continental) reference, because here in Portugal traditional woodworking is kind of a mix between anglo-saxon and german tradition plus something else. So I turned into the web for my references and learning.

    Sorry for writing in English, but I just know picolo Italiano and always end up mixing it with Spanish, lol

    But I drive a Ferrari although there's a stamp saying Fiat Punto... (just to keep burglars away)

    Keep up the god blog and work!


  9. Thank you very much for commenting and for what you have written, I appreciate it very much.

  10. ciao Andrea, mi piace il tuo sito, lo visito abbastanza spesso e spero che continuerai ad arricchirlo di cose interessanti e piacevoli. non è vero che non interessa a nessuno del tuo paesino, io sono curioso, perché mia mamma è originaria proprio di uno di quei paesini e magari scopriamo pure di essere parenti. ciao, sandro (androti)

  11. Ciao Andrea,
    non saprei che scriverti, se non un grazie per quello che fai e per tutto il tempo che gli/ci dedichi.
    Christian, il tuo nib ;-)
